5 synonym groups for Disputes

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Synonyms on the topic Disputes

pinpointing the conflicts

identifying the conflicts, locating the conflicts, detecting the conflicts, discovering the conflicts, finding the conflicts, recognizing the conflicts, spotting the conflicts, uncovering the conflict... [more]

bringing to the surface the disputes

highlighting the disputes, revealing the disputes, exposing the disputes, uncovering the disputes, bringing to light the disputes, disclosing the disputes, unearthing the disputes, bringing out the di... [more]

continuous clashes

ongoing-conflicts, perpetual-skirmishes, unceasing-battles, constant-fights, relentless-wars, incessant-struggles, nonstop-combat, enduring-hostilities, persistent-disputes, uninterrupted-warfare, cea... [more]


long-standing conflicts, ongoing disputes, persistent quarrels, lasting rivalries, continuous hostilities, perpetual arguments, unending strife, chronic disagreements, enduring animosities, sustained... [more]

reconcile disputes amicably

mediate, arbitrate, negotiate, resolve, settle, conciliate, harmonize, pacify, appease, placate, mollify, compromise, make peace, bring to terms, smooth over, iron out, patch up, make up, come to an a... [more]