18 synonym groups for Dienst

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Synonyms on the topic Dienst

Enlisting in

rekrutieren, anwerben, einschreiben, eintragen, engagieren, verpflichten, anheuern, aufnehmen, einberufen, mobilisieren, einziehen, anfordern, einladen, einführen, ansetzen, einpflegen, einweisen... [more]


rekrutieren, anwerben, einschreiben, engagieren, einberufen, anheuern, verpflichten, eintragen, aufnehmen, mobilisieren, einziehen, anfordern, einberufung, anstellung, einladung, einweisung, beitritt,... [more]

Well Earned

verdient, wohlverdient, gerechtfertigt, angemessen, verdientermaßen, zu Recht, rechtmäßig, gebührend, würdig, erarbeitet, erlangt, erworben, anerkannt, geschätzt, respe... [more]

divine services

worship, religious services, church services, liturgy, mass, prayer service, devotional service, holy service, sacred service, spiritual service, ecclesiastical service, ritual, ceremony, observance,... [more]


enrolling, registering, signing up, joining, opting in, enlisting, committing, pledging, following, supporting, backing, adhering, becoming a member, taking part, participating, engaging, affiliating,... [more]

offer prayers to

pray-to, beseech, implore, supplicate, entreat, invoke, petition, appeal-to, call-upon, plead-with, ask-for, solicit, request, beg, seek, address, worship, venerate, honor, revere, adore, glorify, exa... [more]

indentured laborers

bonded-laborers, contract-laborers, bound-workers, indentured-servants, bonded-workers, contract-workers, bound-laborers


contributions, donations, gifts, presents endowments,, bestowals, bequests, benefactions, alms, sacrifices, tributes, oblations, votives, presents, handouts, largesse, charities, subsidies, allotments... [more]


commendable, praiseworthy, laudable, meritorious, admirable, estimable, worthy, deserving, honorable, reputable, respectable, notable, distinguished, excellent, sterling, exemplary, impressive, outsta... [more]


working, active, on the job, engaged, in service, operational, functioning, on call, available, present, on shift, at work, in action, on task, in operation, on deck, on hand, on site, in duty, in emp... [more]


worshippers, congregants, parishioners, attendees, faithful, devotees, believers, members, flock, assembly, congregation, church members, church attendees, church participants, church faithful, church... [more]


suppliers, vendors, contractors, purveyors, deliverers, furnishers, sources, distributors, contributors, benefactors, supporters, patrons, sponsors, backers, donors, grantors, givers, presenters, offe... [more]


worthy, meritorious, commendable, praiseworthy, admirable, estimable laudable, creditable, valuable, honorable, reputable, excellent, noble, virtuous, righteous, good, fitting, suitable, appropriate,... [more]


departments, agencies, offices, bureaus, divisions, branches, sections, units, authorities, commissions, administrations, services, directorates, secretariats, boards, councils, committees, panels, in... [more]


advisory, guidance, consulting, counsel, assistance, support, expertise, advisory service, professional advice, strategic advice, advisory firm, advisory services, expert advice, advisory support, adv... [more]