18 synonym groups for Determine

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Synonyms on the topic Determine


resolutely, steadfastly, determinedly, firmly, adamantly, unrelentingly, persistently, doggedly, tenaciously, unwaveringly, obstinately, inflexibly, unbendingly, unflinchingly, unswervingly, staunchly... [more]


persistently, tenaciously, determinedly, resolutely, steadfastly, unwavering, unyieldingly, obstinately, stubbornly, adamantly, relentlessly, unrelentingly, unswervingly, indefatigably, unremittingly,... [more]

forceful approach

energischer Ansatz, entschlossener Ansatz, kraftvoller Ansatz, vehementer Ansatz durchsetzungsstarker Ansatz, energische Vorgehensweise, entschlossene Vorgehensweise, kraftvolle Vorgehensweise, veheme... [more]


determined, unwavering, steadfast, firm, unyielding, persistent, tenacious, strong-willed, adamant, unshakable, single-minded, purposeful, decided, unswerving, staunch, unbending, inflexible, dogged,... [more]


recognize, determine, distinguish, detect, pinpoint, ascertain, diagnose, discern, spot, name, label, classify, categorize, establish, verify, authenticate, confirm, discover, find, perceive, notice,... [more]

up in the air, not settled

uncertain, undecided, unresolved, pending, indefinite, unsettled, ambiguous, unclear, undetermined, open, in limbo, provisional, tentative, unconfirmed, doubtful, iffy, speculative, questionable, in f... [more]


tenacious, steadfast, enduring, relentless, unwavering, determined, resolute, unyielding, dogged, stubborn, indefatigable, unrelenting, constant, tireless, unswerving, obstinate, persevering, unshakea... [more]


determine, establish, verify, confirm, discover, find out, identify, discern, deduce, figure out, learn, check, validate, authenticate, substantiate, corroborate, ensure, make sure, certify, prove, re... [more]


fearless, unafraid, intrepid, bold, brave, courageous, valiant, resolute, determined, unflinching, unshaken, unyielding, steadfast, unwavering, gutsy, heroic, stouthearted, dauntless, plucky, gallant,... [more]


headstrong, stubborn, obstinate, willful, determined, resolute, persistent, tenacious, unyielding, inflexible, adamant, intransigent, obdurate, opinionated, single-minded, strong-minded, strong-willed... [more]


stubborn, obstinate, willful, determined, resolute, unyielding, intransigent, tenacious, persistent, adamant, inflexible, uncompromising, dogged, single-minded, headstrong, self-willed, pigheaded, bul... [more]

make definite

specify, determine, define, establish, fix, settle, decide, designate, pinpoint, identify, clarify, finalize, confirm, ascertain, set, resolve, demarcate, delineate, mark out, outline, detail, particu... [more]

reach a conclusion

arrive at a decision, come to a conclusion, draw a conclusion, make a decision, determine, conclude, decide, resolve, settle, finalize, deduce, infer, establish, ascertain, figure out, work out, reaso... [more]


determine, identify, define, specify, pinpoint, locate, establish, ascertain, fix, nail down, single out, zero in on, clarify, designate, discern, distinguish, recognize, detect, find, uncover, expose... [more]


determined, resolute, conclusive, definitive, crucial, critical, pivotal, significant, influential, commanding, firm, strong-willed, unwavering, unhesitating, uncompromising, clear-cut, final, absolut... [more]