12 synonym groups for Dependence

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Synonyms on the topic Dependence


interrelation, interdependence, linkage, connectivity, correlation, association, relationship, connection, network, integration, interlinkage, interconnection, interaction, mutuality, reciprocity, coh... [more]

having dependence on

reliant, dependent, contingent, reliant upon, dependent on, contingent upon, reliant on, dependent upon, subject to, conditioned by, hinging on, hinging upon, resting on, resting upon, based on, based... [more]


autonomy, independence, self-rule, self-determination, sovereignty, self-administration, home rule, self-legislation, self-governance, self-management, self-direction, self-reliance, self-sufficiency,... [more]

being dependent on

reliant, contingent, dependent, subordinate, subject, conditional, hinging, relying-on, counting-on, leaning-on, trusting-in, relying-upon, dependent-upon, contingent-upon, based-on, predicated-on, ti... [more]

being reliant

dependent, reliant, reliant on, dependent on, relying, relying on, trusting trusting in, counting on, leaning on, hinging on, contingent on, subject to, subordinate to, beholden to, answerable to, tie... [more]

correlating with

corresponding-to, relating-to, associated-with, connected-with, linked-with, tied-to, pertaining-to, relevant-to, referring-to, analogous-to, comparable-to, parallel-to, matching-with, consistent-with... [more]


freedom, independence, autonomy, emancipation, self-determination, self-government, self-rule, sovereignty, liberation, free will, choice, privilege, right, license, permission, leave, consent, author... [more]


autonomy, independence, self-governance, self-management, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, self-determination, self-rule, self-control, self-leadership, self-guidance, self-administration, self-regula... [more]


independence, autonomy, self-sufficiency, self-support, self-dependence, self-sustenance, self-sustaining self-standing, self-governance, self-direction


self-sufficiency, independence, autonomy, self-reliance, self-support, self-sustainability, self-dependence


self-sufficiency, independence, autonomy, self-reliance, self-support, self-dependence


autonomy, independence, self-government, self-rule, self-determination, supremacy, dominion, authority, control, jurisdiction, power, command, rule, governance, freedom, liberty, self-sufficiency, sel... [more]