3 synonym groups for Defy

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Synonyms on the topic Defy

refuse to adhere to

disobey, defy, ignore, flout, violate, break,avene, breach, infringe, disregard, neglect, reject, spurn, repudiate, renounce, abandon, forsake, shun, eschew, avoid, bypass, evade, elude, circumvent, s... [more]


opposes, withstands, defies, combats, counters, repels, confronts, endures, fights, struggles against, holds out against, fends off, stands up to, refuses, rejects, balks at, obstructs, hinders, imped... [more]


stand-up-to, resist, defy, oppose, confront, withstand, challenge, face down, brave, endure, persevere, hold one's ground, not back down, not be cowed by, not be daunted by, not be deterred by, n... [more]