8 synonym groups for Dankbar

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Synonyms on the topic Dankbar


gesegnet, begünstigt, glücklich, erfreut, heilig, wohlgesonnen, privilegiert, dankbar


elegant, anmutig, gütig, freundlich, wohltätig, großzügig, charmant, nett, höflich, liebevoll, respektvoll, mildtätig, sanft, vornehm, kultiviert, taktvoll, verstän... [more]

being appreciative

grateful, thankful, obliged, indebted, beholden, appreciative, gratified, content, satisfied, pleased, delighted, happy, joyful, glad, elated, overjoyed, jubilant, blissful, thankful,

receives with gratitude

appreciates, acknowledges, thanks, is grateful for, values, cherishes, welcomes, accepts, embraces, treasures, esteems, honors, respects, regards, recognizes, is thankful for, is obliged for, indebted... [more]


grateful, appreciative, obliged, indebted, beholden, gratified, pleased, content, satisfied


thankful, appreciative, obliged, indebted, beholden, gratified, pleased, content, satisfied, obliged-hearted, thankful-minded, appreciative-minded, obliged-minded, indebted-minded, beholden-hearted be... [more]

appreciation note

thank-you-note, gratitude-note, acknowledgment-note, recognition-note, thankfulness-note, appreciation-letter, thank-you-letter, gratitude-letter, acknowledgment-letter, recognition-letter, thankfulne... [more]


grateful, thankful, obliged, indebted, beholden, admiring, approving, respectful, acknowledging, recognizing, responsive, sensitive, aware, conscious, mindful, regardful, attentive, considerate, under... [more]