19 synonym groups for Counter

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Synonyms on the topic Counter

responding to the arguments

answering the arguments, addressing the arguments, countering the arguments, replying to the arguments, rebutting the arguments, refuting the arguments, reacting to the arguments, dealing with the arg... [more]

encountering a pivotal challenge

facing a crucial challenge, confronting a critical challenge, meeting a significant challenge, encountering a key challenge, dealing with an essential challenge, grappling with a major challenge, tack... [more]

refuting a proposal

disproving, debunking, rejecting, countering, opposing, contesting, challenging, disputing, contradicting, negating, invalidating, nullifying, rebutting, denying, discrediting, repudiating, dismissing... [more]


deflect, block, fend off, ward off, counter, repel, avoid, dodge, evade, sidestep, circumvent, resist, intercept, rebuff, stave off, hold off, turn aside, brush off, duck, elude, shun, bypass, skirt,... [more]


encounter, come across, run into, bump into, come upon, stumble upon, happen upon, face, confront, engage, join, assemble, gather, convene, congregate, rendezvous, connect, link up, hook up, get toget... [more]

refuting an argument

disproving-an-argument, countering-an-argument, challenging-an-argument, debunking-an-argument, contesting-an-argument, rebutting-an-argument, invalidating-an-argument, contradicting-an-argument, oppo... [more]

meeting for the first time, becoming acquainted

introduction, encounter, first meeting, initial meeting, getting to know, first encounter, acquaintance, familiarization, first introduction, meeting, first acquaintance, getting acquainted, making ac... [more]


replicas, copies, reproductions, fakes, counterfeits, duplicates, simulations, mock-ups, clones, facsimiles, mimics, forgeries, emulations, look-alikes, knockoffs, dummies, models, parodies, pastiches... [more]


counteract, nullify, offset, negate, annul, invalidate, cancel out, balance, counterbalance, neutral, void, neutralise, subdue, suppress, mitigate,, reduce, weaken, disarm, deactivate, defuse, paralyz... [more]


counterfeit, fake, imitation, fraud, sham, phony, fabrication, falsification, hoax, replica, copy, reproduction, forgery, bogus, spurious, fraudulent, mock, pseudo, dummy, simulation, mimicry, deceit,... [more]


clash, conflict, encounter, fight, battle, fray, tussle, scuffle, brawl, altercation, melee, engagement, confrontation, brush, row, scrap, struggle, combat, contest, dispute, quarrel, wrangle, set-to,... [more]

coming upon

discovery, finding, encounter, unearthing, detection, revelation, uncovering, spotting, stumbling upon, happening upon, locating, identifying, recognizing, perceiving, noticing, observing, sighting, u... [more]

running across

dashing across, sprinting across, racing across, scurrying across, darting across, bolting across, speeding across, hurrying across, rushing across, zipping across, flying across, tearing across, zoom... [more]

stumbling upon

discovering, encountering, finding, coming across, running into, happening upon, chancing upon, bumping into, stumbling across, uncovering, hitting upon, meeting with, running across, coming upon, run... [more]

meeting unexpectedly

bumping into, running into, encountering, coming across, stumbling upon, running across, meeting by chance, happening upon, chancing upon, running upon, coming upon, meeting accidentally, running into... [more]