11 synonym groups for Command

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Synonyms on the topic Command

possessing control

dominating, commanding, governing, ruling, directing, managing, overseeing, supervising, regulating, administering, handling, steering, guiding, leading, mastering, wielding, exercising authority, hol... [more]


dominant, commanding, assertive, powerful, influential, controlling, forceful, decisive, confident, strong, masterful, imposing, compelling, persuasive, convincing, credible, reliable, trustworthy, de... [more]


called, beckoned, invited, requested, convened, assembled, gathered, mustered, rallied, ordered, commanded, bidden, requisitioned, subpoenaed, cited, hailed, signaled, signalled, sent for, brought, fe... [more]

head commander

chief, leader, boss, director, head, captain, commander, supervisor, overseer, manager principal, superintendent, foreman, headman, chieftain, ruler, master, controller, governor, president, chairpers... [more]


leaders, heads, commanders, bosses, directors, captains, managers, supervisors, rulers, chieftains, principals, executives, administrators, overseers, foremen, superintendents, chairpersons, president... [more]

is at the helm

in charge, in command, leading, heading, directing, managing,, supervising, steering, guiding, controlling, running, administering, governing, captaining, piloting, helming, at the wheel, at the contr... [more]

be the commander of

lead, direct, oversee, manage, supervise, head, control, govern,, administer, steer, command, preside over, be in charge of, run, operate, handle, conduct, orchestrate, regulate, rule, dominate, dicta... [more]


brandishes, handles, manipulates, operates, uses, employs, exercises, utilizes, controls, directs, governs, maneuvers, manages, administers, commands, conducts, deploys, exerts, applies, swings, flour... [more]


command, direct, instruct, order, urge, admonish, bid, charge, dictate, exhort, impose, prescribe, require, tell


guide, direct, steer, conduct, escort, pilot, shepherd, usher, head, command, govern, manage, supervise, oversee, control, run, administer, preside, chair, spearhead, pioneer, initiate, drive, propel,... [more]


parachutist, skydiver, airborne soldier, jumper, paratroop