16 synonym groups for Celebration

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Synonyms on the topic Celebration

rejoices in

celebrates, delights-in, exults-in, revels-in, takespleasure-in, enjoys, glories-in, relishes, savors, basks-in, triumphs-in, luxuriates-in, takes-joy-in, takes-delight-in, takes-satisfaction-in, take... [more]


elated, overjoyed, ecstatic, jubilant, euphoric, thrilled, exultant, delighted, blissful, on cloud nine, in high spirits, over the moon, walking on air, in seventh heaven, gleeful, joyous, rapturous,... [more]


marching, displaying, showcasing, exhibiting, flaunting, strutting, promenading, showing off, demonstrating, presenting, boasting, swaggering, revealing, airing, brandishing, exposing, unveiling, mani... [more]

in a state of jubilance

elated, overjoyed, ecstatic, euphoric, jubilant, exultant, thrilled, delighted, blissful, on cloud nine, in high spirits, over the moon, walking on air, in seventh heaven, gleeful, joyous, rapturous,... [more]

social occasion

gathering, event, function, party, celebration, get-together, festivity, affair, soirée, shindig, bash, reception, meet-up, assembly, social event, social gathering, social function, social aff... [more]

be in a festive mood

celebrate, rejoice, be merry, be joyful, be jolly, be in high spirits, be cheerful, be elated, be jubilant, be gleeful, be in a celebratory mood, be in a party mood, be in a festive spirit, be in a ho... [more]


banquet, celebration, festivity, gala, party, spread, repast, dinner, meal, blowout, fete, jamboree, revel, carousal, bash, soiree, fiesta, orgy, binge, clambake, cookout, barbecue, picnic, potluck, s... [more]


celebrate, delight, exult, revel, jubilate, cheer, be glad, be joyful, be happy, be elated, be overjoyed, be thrilled, be ecstatic, be euphoric, be in high spirits, be on cloud nine, be over the moon,... [more]


wreath, festoon, lei, swag, chaplet, coronet, circlet, crown,, string, chain, strand, loop, decoration, adornment, embellishment, ornament, trim, festal array, festal decoration, festal adornment, fes... [more]


celebrating, reveling, carousing, festivity, merrymaking, frolicking, jollification, soireeing, shindigging, whooping it up, living it up, having a ball, having a blast, enjoying oneself, letting loos... [more]

red-letter day

special day, memorable day, significant day, important day, notable day, remarkable day, extraordinary day, exceptional day, momentous day, outstanding day, red-letter occasion, banner day, landmark d... [more]


ritual, rite, observance, service, formalities, proceedings, protocol, celebration, commemoration, festivity, function, occasion, event, pageant, performance, show, spectacle, tradition, custom, pract... [more]


jubilee, commemoration, celebration, observance, remembrance, milestone, festivity, ceremony, memorial, red-letter day


celebration, exultation, rejoicing, elation, triumph, delight, joy, happiness, euphoria, glee, merriment, festivity, cheer, exuberance, gladness, satisfaction, bliss, rapture, ecstasy, felicity, exhil... [more]


celebration, jubilation, exultation, elation, delight, happiness, joy, merriment, festivity, glee, triumph, revelry, exuberance, bliss, euphoria, rapture, gladness, cheer, mirth, felicity, satisfactio... [more]