26 synonym groups for Cease

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Synonyms on the topic Cease

expedite a truce

Hasten a truce, accelerate a truce, speed up a truce, quicken a truce, facilitate a truce, advance a truce, hurry a truce, rush a truce, prompt a truce, fast-track a truce

shut off

turn off, switch off, deactivate, disable, cut off, power down, stop, close, disconnect, halt, terminate, cease, kill, silence, extinguish, quench, block, interrupt, suspend, cut, break, sever, unplug... [more]

accomplish a truce

achieve a truce, establish a truce, secure a truce, negotiate a truce, broker a truce, arrange a truce, reach a truce, conclude a truce, finalize a truce, settle a truce

commence a truce

initiate a ceasefire, start a peace agreement, begin a cessation of hostilities, launch a peace process, establish a truce, kick off a ceasefire, inaugurate a peace deal, set up a truce, open peace ta... [more]

attain a truce

achieve a ceasefire, reach an armistice, secure a peace agreement, establish a truce, negotiate a ceasefire, broker a peace deal, conclude a truce, arrange a ceasefire, settle a truce, agree on a ceas... [more]

clinch a truce

secure a truce, finalize a truce, establish a truce, agree on a truce, settle a truce, conclude a truce, reach a truce, broker a truce, negotiate a truce, arrange a truce, hammer out a truce, strike a... [more]

reach a cessation of hostilities

end a conflict, cease fire, halt fighting, stop host, truce, armistice, peace agreement, cease hostilities, suspend, lay down arms, peace treaty, cessation of conflict, end of warfare, peace deal, sto... [more]

come to a suspension of hostilities

ceasefire, truce, armistice, peace agreement, peace treaty, cessation of hostilities, peace accord, temporary peace, halt in fighting, pause in conflict, peace settlement, peace deal, peace arrangemen... [more]

declare a truce agree to a truce

call a truce, make peace, cease hostilities, end conflict, reach an armistice, negotiate a ceasefire, settle differences, suspend fighting, halt combat, establish peace

arranging a truce

negotiating a ceasefire, brokering peace, mediating a truce, establishing a ceasefire, arranging a peace agreement, negotiating peace, brokering a ceasefire, mediating peace, establishing a truce, arr... [more]

hammer out a truce

negotiate, mediate, broker, arrange, settle, reach an agreement, come to terms, resolve, iron out, work out, hash out, agree on, conclude, finalize, establish, secure, strike a deal, make peace, recon... [more]

bring about a truce

negotiate peace, broker a ceasefire, mediate a truce, arrange a ceasefire, establish peace, secure a truce, facilitate a ceasefire, achieve a truce, reach a ceasefire, settle a truce, conclude a truce... [more]

come to a halt

stop, halt, cease, pause, terminate, end, finish, conclude, discontinue, break, arrest, freeze, stand still, grind to a halt, draw to a close, bring to a stop, pull up, check, brake, slow down, decele... [more]

lay down arms

surrender, capitulate, yield, give up, submit, concede, relinquish, abandon, forfeit, succumb, acquiesce, resign, cede, hand over, bow, defer, renounce, waive, quit, retreat, back down, fold, cry uncl... [more]


deceased, lifeless, expired, departed, gone, late, perished, defunct, passed away, no more, extinct, inanimate, demised, fallen, lost, finished, terminated, snuffed out, stilled, spiritless, breathles... [more]