33 synonym groups for Block

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Synonyms on the topic Block


Unüberwindbarkeit, Unzugänglichkeit, Unpassierbarkeit, Undurchlässigkeit, Unbefahrbarkeit, Hindernis, Barriere, Sperre, Blockade

At a Standstill

stillgelegt, zum Stillstand gekommen, blockiert, eingefroren, stagn, inaktiv, unbeweglich, lahmgelegt, festgefahren, immobil, ruhend, stillstehend, unterbrochen, nicht in Bewegung, pausiert, abgebroch... [more]


blockage, obstruction, jam, bottleneck, hindrance, imped, barrier, clogging, choke, congestion, clogger, stoppage, clogging agent, clogging material, clogging substance, clogging factor, clogging issu... [more]

inhibiting the fears

Suppressing the fears, controlling the fears, restraining the fears, curbing the fears, stifling the fears, repressing the fears, quelling the fears, subduing the fears, damping the fears, checking th... [more]

removing the roadblocks

eliminating obstacles, clearing the path, removing barriers, overcoming hurdles, dismantling impediments, getting rid of obstructions, clearing hurdles, removing hindrances, eliminating impediments, c... [more]


blocks, hinders, impedes, hampers, prevents, stops, retards, thwarts, stymies, barricades, bars, deters, frustrates, inhibits, interferes jams, restricts, curbs, checks, foils, precludes, stifles, sup... [more]


deflect, block, fend off, ward off, counter, repel, avoid, dodge, evade, sidestep, circumvent, resist, intercept, rebuff, stave off, hold off, turn aside, brush off, duck, elude, shun, bypass, skirt,... [more]

gum up

clog, obstruct, block, jam, choke, hinder, impede, stall foul, congest, back up, plug, dam, stop up, bung up, occlude, stymie, thwart, bog down, snarl, entangle, ensnare, tangle, mire, hamper, cramp,... [more]


hindering, blocking, impeding, obstructing, thwarting, hampering, stymieing, interfering, disruptive, retarding, frustrating, inhibiting, deterring, preventing, stopping, barricading, encumbering, res... [more]


restrains, hinders, impedes, prevents, obstructs, curbs, stifles, suppresses, restricts, checks, hampers, blocks, thwarts, limits, constrains, deters, retards, stops, arrests, holds back, represses, c... [more]


obstructing, delaying, stalling, hind, blocking, stonewalling, procrastinating, postponing, dragging out, prolonging, extending, holding up, impeding, thwarting, retarding, forestalling, hampering, de... [more]


thwarted, frustrated, defeated, obstructed, hindered, stymied, blocked, stopped, impeded, prevented, outwitted, outmaneuvered, circumvented, countered, balked, dashed, ruined, spoiled, crushed, squash... [more]


hindering, obstructing, thwarting, impeding, blocking, frustrating, stalling, hampering, preventing, foiling, stopping, countering, deterring, inhibiting, stifling, stonewalling, forestalling, curbing... [more]


clogging, blocking, obstructing, jamming, choking, crowding, stuffing, packing, filling, plugging, backing up, bottlenecking, overloading, cramming, impeding, hindering, stifling, stopping up, damming... [more]


hinders, obstructs, blocks, hampers, delays, retards, stymies, thwarts, prevents, restricts, curbs, inhibits, restrains, checks, frustrates, interferes, stops, deters, holds back, slows down, bogs dow... [more]