9 synonym groups for Bill

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Synonyms on the topic Bill

Out of favor

in Ungnade, nicht mehr beliebt, abgelehnt, missachtet, verachtet, in Misskredit, in Abneigung, nicht mehr geschätzt, in Verruf, nicht mehr angesehen, in Ungunst, nicht mehr gewünscht, in der... [more]


disapproving, condemning, criticizing, denouncing, censuring, reproving, deprecating, objecting, opposing, fault-finding, rebuking, reprimanding, castigating, chiding, berating, lambasting, scolding,... [more]


condemns, criticizes, rejects, opposes, denounces, objects, refutes, rebukes, reproaches, censures, deprecates, disdains, disallows, disfavours, disapprobates, discommends, disesteems, disqualifies, f... [more]


devalue, degrade, diminish, reduce, lower, depreciate, belittle, undermine, lessen, abase, debase, downgrade, deflate, humble, humiliate, cheapen


objections, criticisms, rejections, condemnations, denials, refusals, disapprobations, disavowals, protests, dissent, disfavor, censure, rebukes, reproaches, reprimands, discontent, dissatisfaction, o... [more]


bill, rostrum, snout, mandible, nib, muzzle, proboscis, pecker, neb, nozzle, mouthpiece, maw


disparage, belittle, denigrate, criticize, dis, condemn, censure, decry, denounce, vilify,, derogate, diminish, discredit, devalue, depreciate, scorn slight, underrate, undervalue, minimize, trash, kn... [more]


disapprove, condemn, criticize, deprecate, denounce, censure object to, look down on, scorn, disdain, disfavor, reject, spurn, rebuke, reproach, reprove, chide, castigate, lambaste, berate, vilify, ex... [more]


approval, confirmation, endorsement, validation, sanction, authorization, acceptance, consent, agreement, assent, affirmation, recognition, acknowledgment, formalization, legitimization, enactment, pa... [more]