16 synonym groups for Betrug

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Synonyms on the topic Betrug


con, scam, swindle, cheat, fraud, rip-off, trick, dupe, deceive, bamboozle, hustle, grift, flimflam, shakedown, racket, con job, fast one, double-cross, take, fleece, hoodwink, bilk, gyp, snare, set-u... [more]


Schurke, Gauner, Verbrecher, Betrüger, Halke, Schwindler, Krimineller, Falschspieler, Hochstapler, Übeltäter, Schuft, Gaunerei, Trickser, Schwindel, Lügner, Abzocker, Verfälsc... [more]

untrustworthy statement

lie, falsehood, fabrication, deceit, deception, fib, untruth, misrepresentation, falsification, prevarication, mendacity, canard, invention, tall tale, cock-and-bull story, fairy tale, whopper, yarn,... [more]

untrustworthy testimony

unreliable statement, dubious account, questionable evidence, suspect testimony, uncredible testimony, doubtful testimony, untrustable testimony, uncertain testimony, unverified testimony, unsubstanti... [more]

catching the fraud

detecting the fraud, uncovering the fraud, exposing the fraud, discovering the fraud, identifying the fraud, revealing the fraud, unmasking the fraud, apprehending the fraud, nabbing the fraud, bustin... [more]

unearthing the scam

exposing the fraud, revealing the deception, uncovering the swindle, discovering the con, unmasking the trickery, detecting the hoax, bringing to light the scheme, disclosing the ruse, unveiling the c... [more]

bringing the betrayal to light

exposing the betrayal, revealing the betrayal, uncovering the betrayal, disclosing the betrayal, unmasking the betrayal, unveiling the betrayal, bringing the treachery to light, exposing the treachery... [more]


exposing-the-fraud, revealing-the-deception, uncovering-the-scam, disclosing-the-hoax, unmasking-the-fraud, bringing-the-deceit-to-light, revealing-the-swindle, exposing-the-con, uncovering-the-fraudu... [more]

unveiling the fraud

exposing-the-fraud, revealing-the-fraud, uncovering-the-fraud, disclosing-the-fraud, unmasking-the-fraud, bringing-to-light-the-fraud, outing-the-fraud, laying-bare-the-fraud, bringing-to-surface-the-... [more]


forgery, falsification, imitation, replication duplication, fabrication,, bootlegging, fraud, sham, fake, hoax, scam, deceit, deception, trickery, subterfuge, phony, counterfeit, bogus, spurious, frau... [more]


dishonesty, duplicity, fraudulence, treachery, deception, insincerity, mendacity, trickery, guile, cunning, perfidy, chicanery, subterfuge, double-dealing, artifice, imposture, falseness, untruthfulne... [more]


fraud, swindle, con, hoax, trick, deception, scheme, rip-off, cheat, hustle, racket, sham, grift, flimflam, bamboozle, dupe, fleece, gyp, bilk, chicanery, double-dealing, subterfuge, stratagem, ruse,... [more]


deceiving, misleading, fooling, tricking, duping, hoodwinking, bamboozling, beguiling, conning, deluding, swindling, cheating, bluffing, hoaxing, outwitting, scamming, snowing, stringing along, pullin... [more]


fixed, manipulated, tampered, biased, doctored, falsified, prearranged, predetermined, set up, engineered, contrived, arranged, controlled, influenced, corrupted, gamed, loaded, stacked, unfair, cooke... [more]