3 synonym groups for Beschwichtigen

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Synonyms on the topic Beschwichtigen


calming, soothing, placating, pacifying, mollifying, conciliatory, assuaging, alleviating, mitigating, tranquilizing, comforting, easing, softening, tempering, quieting, relaxing, satisfying, indulgen... [more]


calms, soothes, pacifies, placates, mollifies, alleviates, mitigates, assuages, comforts, eases, relieves, satisfies, quells, quiets, tranquilizes, softens, tempers, moderates, subdues, hushes, silenc... [more]

smooth over

gloss over, cover up, whitewash, downplay, minimize, sugarcoat, conceal, hide, mask, camouflage, obscure, paper over, suppress, hush up, sweep under the rug, mitigate, soften, palliate, excuse, justif... [more]