12 synonym groups for Auge

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Synonyms on the topic Auge


scharfsichtig, aufmerksam, wachsam, scharfsinnig, hellsichtig spitzfindig, detailverliebt, genau, präzise, argwöhnisch, misstrauisch, beobachtend, kritisch, forschend, prüfend, spä... [more]


eye, eyeball, optic, oculus, peeper

in a millisecond

instantly, immediately, at once, in a flash, in no time, in an instant, in a heartbeat, in a split second, in a jiffy, in a blink, in a trice, in a twinkling, in a snap, in a moment, in a second, in a... [more]

in an instant

im Handumdrehen, sofort, augenblicklich, unverzüglich, auf der Stelle, umgehend, in null Komma nichts, in Windeseile, in Sekundenschnelle, in einem Augenblick, in einem Wimpernschlag, in einem Nu... [more]


instantly, immediately, at once, in a flash, in an instant, in no time, in a heartbeat, in a jiffy, in a split second, in a blink, in a blink of an eye, in a, in a second, in a moment, in a twinkling,... [more]


leech, drain, filter, percolate, seep, bleed, ooze, trickle, strain, extract

Lose sight

lose track, miss, overlook, forget, neglect, disregard, ignore, fail to notice, be unaware of, be oblivious to, be blind to, be heedless of, be inattentive to, be unmindful of, be unconscious of, be i... [more]


absorb, imbibe, sponge, drink in, take in, suck up, soak, assimilate, ingest, draw in, mop up, sop up, lap up, soak in, soak through, soak into, soak up, soak off, soak away, soak out, soak down, soak... [more]


gazes, looks, glances, peeks, gawks, ogles, peers, leers, observes, watches, scrutinizes, eyeballs, views, regards, inspects, surveys, examines, fixes, focuses, contemplates, beholds, scans, glimpses,... [more]


stamps, emblems, insignias, marks, symbols, signets,, badges, crests, logos, seals of approval, certifications, endorsements, authorizations, ratifications, confirmations, validations, verifications,... [more]


benchmark, standard, criterion, gauge, measure, touchstone, barometer, guide, norm, reference, scale, yard, rule, indicator, test, model, template, pattern, exemplar, archetype, paradigm, example, bas... [more]


sign, signal, gauge, marker, pointer, index, measure, barometer, clue, hint, symptom, token, guide, evidence, cue, beacon, omen, harbinger, foretoken, augury, prognostic, signpost, bellwether, touchst... [more]