15 synonym groups for Attentive

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Synonyms on the topic Attentive

waiting vigilantly

watchful waiting, alert waiting, attentive waiting, vigilant waiting, observant waiting, cautious waiting, wary waiting, guarded waiting, heedful waiting, mindful waiting

observant of the changes

attentive to the changes, aware of the changes, mindful of the changes, conscious of the changes, alert to the changes, vigilant of the changes, watchful of the changes, heedful of the changes, percep... [more]

paying no attention

ignoring, disregarding, neglecting, overlooking, dismissing, out, brushing off, snubbing, slighting, bypassing, shunning, avoiding, spurning, rejecting, omitting, discounting, sidelining, passing over... [more]

be on the qui vive

be alert, be vigilant, be watchful, be on guard, be attentive, be cautious, be wary, be on the lookout, be observant, be on the watch, be on the alert, be on one's toes, keep an eye out, stay sha... [more]

mindful of

aware of, conscious of, cognizant of, attentive to, heedful of, observant of, alert to, watchful of, vigilant of, perceptive of, sensitive to, considerate of, mindful about, regardful of, wary of, car... [more]


oblivious, unaware, heedless, inattentive, unobservant, ignorant, unmindful, indifferent, neglectful, blind, insensible, unconscious, imperceptive, unseeing, unwitting, negligent, careless, thoughtles... [more]


unaware, ignorant, heedless, unmindful, insensible, inattentive, unconscious, blind, negligent, indifferent, absentminded, forgetful, unobservant, unperceptive, unwitting, careless, thoughtless, negle... [more]

be inattentive

distracted, heedless, negligent, oblivious, unmindful, careless, absent, absentminded, preoccupied, unfocused, inattentive, thoughtless, forgetful, unobservant, daydreaming, dreamy, scatterbrained


oblivious, heedless, inattentive, negligent, careless, thought, unobservant, unaware, indifferent, unconcerned, forgetful, neglectful, unheeding, unthinking, disregarding, remiss, unperceptive, insens... [more]


unreactive, uncommunicative, unyielding, uncooperative, unfeeling, indifferent, apathetic, insensible, inert, passive, nonive, unmovable, silent, mute, unanswering, nonresponsive, inactive, unengaged,... [more]


carelessly, recklessly, heedlessly, thoughtlessly, inattentively, irresponsibly, haphazardly, unmindfully, sloppily, incautiously, indifferently, remissly, nonchalantly, perfunctorily, unconcernedly,... [more]


diligence, perseverance, persistence, industriousness, dedication, tenacity, steadfastness, commitment, effort, hard work, attentiveness, meticulousness, thoroughness, conscientiousness, zeal, earnest... [more]


thoughtful, kind, attentive, understanding, compassionate, mindful, caring, respectful, courteous, empathetic, polite, gracious, sensitive, obliging, accommodating, tactful, solicitous, benevolent, ch... [more]


observant, perceptive, keen-eyed, eagle-eyed, alert, watchful, vigilant, attentive, discerning, quick-sighted, acute, penetrating, insightful, clear-sighted, hawk-eyed, sharp-sighted, aware, sensitive... [more]


attentive, mindful, observant, alert, watchful, vigilant, cautious, careful, aware, conscientious, perceptive, considerate, circumspect, wary, prudent, discerning, heedful