20 synonym groups for Appearance

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Synonyms on the topic Appearance

makes a public appearance

appears in public, shows up in public, makes an appearance, goes public, steps out, comes forward, presents oneself, emerges in public, surfaces in public, shows oneself, makes a showing, turns up in... [more]


misform, distort, deform, warp, twist, contort, garble, mar, spoil, blemish, disfigure, mutilate, damage, ruin, corrupt, pervert, misrepresent, falsify, misstate, misinterpret, misconstrue, misread, m... [more]

comes on the scene

arrives, appears, emerges, surfaces, materializes, shows up, turns up, makes an appearance, debuts, enters, manifests, presents itself, crops up, pops up, springs up, arises, dawns, breaks onto the sc... [more]

makes itself seen

appears, emerges, becomes visible, shows up, manifests, comes into view, becomes apparent, surfaces, reveals itself, comes to light, becomes noticeable, becomes evident, becomes perceptible, becomes o... [more]


disappearing, fading, evaporating, dissolving, dwindling, receding, diminishing, melting, evaporative, fleeting, transient, passing, evanescent, fading away, petering out, phasing out, ceasing, ending... [more]


appears, emerges, arrives, enters, surfaces, materializes, shows up, turns up, makes an appearance, debuts, manifests, pops up, springs up, crops up, arises, comes forth, comes into view, comes into p... [more]

comes into sight

appears, emerges, becomes visible, shows up, materializes, manifests, surfaces, comes into view, becomes apparent, becomes evident, becomes noticeable, becomes perceptible, becomes observable, becomes... [more]

makes itself visible

appears, emerges, manifests, shows up, becomes apparent, becomes visible, comes into view, surfaces, materializes, reveals itself, becomes evident, becomes noticeable, comes to light, becomes percepti... [more]

comes into visibility

appears, emerges, becomes visible, shows up, materializes, manifests, surfaces, comes into view, becomes apparent, becomes evident, becomes noticeable, becomes perceptible, becomes observable, becomes... [more]

takes form

materializes, manifests, appears, emerges, develops, shapes, forms, arises comes into being, takes shape, becomes, evolves, comes about, comes into existence, takes form, assumes form, takes on shape,... [more]


emerges, appears, arises, surfaces, materializes, manifests, springs, originates, issues, emanates, develops, unfolds, reveals, shows, presents, dawns, breaks, debuts, crops up, turns up, pops up, sho... [more]


attendance, existence, appearance, being, participation, occupancy, company, companionship, nearness, proximity, availability, involvement, engagement


extinguished, vanished, gone, dead, defunct, obsolete, non-existent, wiped out, eradicated, eliminated, terminated, annihilated, destroyed, abolished, lost, perished, no longer existing, bygone, kaput... [more]


visages, countenances, mugs, expressions, features, physiognomies, façades, fronts, appearances, looks


deceptive-appearance, false-front, illusion, facade, pretense, guise, masquerade, charade, sham, disguise, mirage, hoax, bluff, ruse, trickery, deceit, delusion, subterfuge, camouflage, cover-up, fein... [more]