7 synonym groups for Apart

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Synonyms on the topic Apart

places of residence

homes, dwellings, abodes, houses, accommodations, lodgings, residences, domiciles, habitations, quarters, apartments, flats, condos, shelters, habitats, living quarters, pads, cribs, nests, lairs, man... [more]


apartments, flats, dwell, residences, lodgings, accommodations, housing, units, quarters, rooms, suites, abodes, domiciles, habitations, homes, places, pads, cribs, digs, living spaces, living quarter... [more]


divided, isolated, detached, disconnected, parted, split, segregated, severed, disjoined, disunited, estranged, apart, broken up, disassociated, sundered, cleaved, partitioned, split up, cut off, set... [more]


disassembles, takes apart, deconstructs, breaks down, dismembers, demolishes, tears down, pulls apart, strips, unbuilds, disjoints, dissects, unravels, separates, fragments, disintegrates, splits, div... [more]

place of residence

home, dwelling, abode, domicile, residence, house, lodging, quarters, habitation, address, living quarters, apartment, flat, condo, condominium, pad, digs, homestead, household, lodging place, nest, r... [more]

bachelor pad

Junggesellenwohnung, Junggesellenbude, Singlewohnung, Singleude, Männerwohnung, Männerbude, Junggesellenheim, Singleheim, Männerdomizil, Junggesellendomizil


apartment, unit, condo, suite, residence, domicile, quarters, pad, lodging, habitation, living space, accommodation, dwelling, home