32 synonym groups for Alleviate

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Synonyms on the topic Alleviate

quell suffering

alleviate the suffering, ease the suffering, reduce the suffering, mitigate the suffering, lessen the suffering, relieve the suffering, soothe the suffering, diminish the suffering, assuage the suffer... [more]

palliate the symptoms

alleviate the symptoms, ease the symptoms, mitigate the symptoms, relieve the symptoms, soothe the symptoms, lessen the symptoms, reduce the symptoms, diminish the symptoms, assuage the symptoms, alla... [more]

take the edge off make less severe

alleviate, ease, mitigate,, lessen, reduce moderate, relieve,, dull, diminish, assuage, allay, soothe, blunt, lighten, mollify, palliate, placate, calm, abate, weaken, dampen, cushion, deaden, tone do... [more]

placate the pain

Ease the pain, alleviate the pain, soothe the pain, mitigate the pain, relieve the pain, lessen the pain, reduce the pain, diminish the pain, assuage the pain, comfort the pain, mollify the pain, alla... [more]

assuage the hardship

alleviate the difficulty, ease the burden, mitigate the suffering, lessen the strain, relieve the distress, soften the adversity, reduce the hardship, diminish the trouble, lighten the load, soothe th... [more]

make milder

mildern, abschwächen, lindern, dämpfen, entschärfen, abmildern, beruhigen, besänftigen, mäßigen

palliate the hardship

Alleviate the difficulty, ease the suffering, mitigate the hardship, lessen the burden, relieve the distress, soften the adversity, reduce the strain, diminish the trouble, lighten the load, assuage t... [more]

palliate the unease

Alleviate the discomfort, ease the unease, soothe the discomfort, mitigate the unease, lessen the discomfort, reduce the unease, relieve the discomfort, diminish the unease, assuage the discomfort, ca... [more]

palliate the anguish

Alleviate the pain, ease the suffering, soothe the distress, mitigate the agony, relieve the torment, lessen the grief, assuage the sorrow, diminish the hurt, reduce the misery, soften the affliction,... [more]

calm the pain

ease the pain, soothe the pain, alleviate the pain, reduce the pain, relieve the pain, lessen the pain, mitigate the pain, dull the pain, assuage the pain, diminish the pain, allay the pain, soften th... [more]

softens the strain

mildert die Belastung, lindert den Druck, verringert die Anspannung, reduziert den Stress, erleichtert die Last, entspannt die Situation, mindert die Spannung, schwächt die Belastung, dämpft... [more]

reduces the strain

alleviates-the-pressure, eases-the-burden, lessens-the-stress, diminishes-the-tension, mitigates-the-strain, relieves-the-load, lightens-the-pressure, reduces-the-burden, decreases-the-stress, softens... [more]

mitigates the strain

alleviates-the-burden, eases-the-pressure, reduces-the-stress, lessens-the-load, diminishes-the-tension, relieves-the-strain, lightens-the-burden, softens-the-impact moderates-the-stress, soothes-the-... [more]

makes less strenuous

eases, alleviates, mitigates, lessens, reduces, lightens, relieves, diminishes, softens, moderates, soothes, attenuates, calms, pacifies, mollifies, tempers, abates, assuages, allays, defuses, de-esca... [more]

appease the concern

alleviate-the-concern, ease-the-concern,-the-concern, calm-the-concern, soothe-the-concern, reduce-the-concern, address-the-concern, assuage-the-concern, pacify-the-concern, relieve-the-concern, dimin... [more]