4 synonym groups for Accepts

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Synonyms on the topic Accepts

takes on the assignment

accepts the task, undertakes the job, assumes the responsibility, tackles the project, embraces the duty, takes up the challenge, engages in the work, commits to the task, shoulders the responsibility... [more]

takes on

assumes, undertakes, accepts, shoulders, adopts, embraces, tackles, confronts, faces, engages, handles, deals with, grapples with, wrestles with, takes up, takes charge of, takes responsibility for, t... [more]

receives with approval

approves, accepts, endorses, sanctions, authorizes, consents, agrees, ratifies, validates, confirms, acknowledges, supports, backs, favors, assents, concurs, permits, allows, grants, accredits, certif... [more]


gets, obtains, acquires, collects, accepts, takes, gains, secures, procures, attains, welcomes, inherits, earns, reaps, garners, apprehends