5 synonym groups for Abwehr

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Synonyms on the topic Abwehr

be resistant to

resistent gegen, immun gegen, unempfindlich gegen, widerstandsfähig gegen, abgehärtet gegen, gefeit gegen, unempfänglich für, unbeeindruckt von, unberührt von, standhaft gegen... [more]


repel, drive back, push back, fend off, ward off, resist, rebuff, reject, turn away, spurn, repudiate, dismiss, refuse, decline, snub, shun, avoid, eschew, deter, discourage, dissuade, disgust, sicken... [more]


precautions, safeguards, protections, defenses, deterrents, responses, strategies, tactics, actions, measures, steps, interventions, remedies, solutions, counteractions, countersteps, counterplans, co... [more]


preventing, averting, preempting, thwarting, hindering, obstructing, impeding, staving off, warding off, fending off, deterring, stopping, blocking, intercepting, countering, anticipating, circumventi... [more]


exemptions, protections, resistances, privileges, defenses, safeguards, insusceptibilities, invulnerabilities, nonliabilities