6 synonym groups for Abnutzung

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Synonyms on the topic Abnutzung

becomes damaged

gets ruined, deteriorates, breaks down, gets harmed, gets impaired, gets spoiled, gets wrecked, gets marred, gets injured, gets broken, gets destroyed, gets defaced, gets corrupted, gets tainted, gets... [more]

becomes tattered

frays, wears out, shreds, tears, rips, deteriorates, unravels, disintegrates, tatters, frays at the edges, wears thin, becomes ragged, becomes worn, becomes threadbare, becomes shabby, becomes dilapid... [more]

becomes worn down

abnutzt, verschleißt, abgenutzt wird, abgetragen wird, abgerieben wird, abgewetzt wird, abgenutzt, verschlissen, abgetragen, abgerieben, abgewetzt


wears out, unravels, frays out, becomes worn, becomes ragged, becomes tattered, becomes threadbare, becomes shabby, becomes frayed, becomes worn out, becomes worn down, becomes worn thin, becomes worn... [more]


scrape, wear, erode, chafe, grind, rub, scratch, scour, rasp, sand, file, grate, corrode, fray, scuff, excoriate, roughen, scratch up, scratch off, scratch away, scratch out, scratch down, scratch ove... [more]


erosion, wear, scraping, chafing, grinding, rubbing, scuffing, attrition, friction, corrosion, deterioration, wearing down, wearing away, weathering, ablation, sanding, polishing, rasping, scratching,... [more]