23 synonym groups for Abbau

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Synonyms on the topic Abbau


zerfallend, bröckelnd, schwindend, zerfressend, abbröckelnd, zerbröckelnd, morsch, instabil, schwach, brüchig, desintegrierend, zerfällt, verwestend, verfallend, abbauend, deg... [more]


Arbeitslosigkeit, Erwerbslosigkeit, Stellenlosigkeit, Joblos, Arbeitsmangel, Beschäftigungslosigkeit, Arbeitsniederlage, Arbeitsentzug, Erwerbsmangel, Arbeitskrise, Arbeitsmarktprobleme, Arbeitsl... [more]

easing the stress

relieving the stress, reducing the stress, alleviating the stress, mitigating the stress, lessening the stress, diminishing the stress, easing the tension, relieving the tension, reducing the tension,... [more]

reducing the stress

alleviating the stress, easing the stress, lessening the stress, diminishing the stress, mitigating the stress, relieving the stress, lowering the stress, decreasing the stress, minimizing the stress,... [more]

relieving the worries

easing the concerns, alleviating the anxieties, soothing the fears, calming the worries, reducing the stress, mitigating the apprehensions, assuaging the doubts, lessening the unease, diminishing the... [more]

diminishes the tension

reduziert die Spannung, verringert die Spannung, mindert die Spannung, senkt die Spannung, schwächt die Spannung ab, lindert die Spannung, entschärft die Spannung, mildert die Spannung, d&au... [more]

attenuates the strain

reduces-the-stress, eases-the-burden, alleviates-the-pressure, lessens-the-tension, mitigates-the-strain, diminishes-the-stress, lightens-the-load, relieves-the-pressure, softens-the-impact, moderates... [more]

pacify the stress

calm, soothe, alleviate, ease, relax, mitigate, reduce, lessen, relieve, comfort, tranquilize, placate, mollify, assuage, allay, appease, quiet, settle, still, compose, pacify, subdue, moderate, softe... [more]

relieve the nerves

calm, soothe, relax, ease, pacify, tranquilize, settle, comfort, alleviate, mollify, placate, appease, assuage, allay, mitigate, quiet, still, compose, reassure, de-stress, unwind, loosen up, chill, m... [more]

ease anxieties

alleviate worries, reduce fears, calm concerns, soothe anxieties lessen apprehensions, diminish unease, ease fears, relieve stress, mitigate worries, pacify concerns, assuage anxieties, allay fears, c... [more]

appease the anxiety

calm the nerves, soothe the anxiety, ease the tension, alleviate the worry, reduce the stress, pacify the anxiety, comfort the mind, relax the nerves, lessen the anxiety, diminish the worry, allay the... [more]

calm down

calm down, relax, soothe, ease, pacify, tranquilize, settle, compose, quiet, still, alleviate, lessen, diminish, moderate, temper, soften, mollify, placate, appease, allay, assuage, mitigate, relieve,... [more]

soothe the nerves

calm, relax, pacify, ease, comfort, settle, tranquilize, alleviate, mollify, placate, appease, quiet, soothe, reassure, compose, still, lull, soften, assuage, mitigate, allay, relieve, balm, console,... [more]

take the heat off

alleviate pressure, ease tension, relieve stress, reduce strain, lighten the load, lessen the burden, mitigate pressure, diminish stress, tension, calm the, defuse the situation, ease the burden, less... [more]


ease the anxiety, alleviate the anxiety, reduce the anxiety, lessen the anxiety, calm the anxiety, soothe the anxiety, mitigate the anxiety, relieve the anxiety, diminish the anxiety, allay the anxiet... [more]