sweating Synonym

Synonyme sweating

perspiring - sweating bullets - breaking a sweat - glowing - dripping - exuding - seeping - oozing - sweltering - moistening - dampening - wetting - soaking - drenching - steaming - sweating profusely - sweating heavily - sweating lightly - sweating mildly - sweating slightly - sweating buckets - sweating like a pig - sweating like a horse - sweating like a racehorse - sweating like crazy - sweating like mad - sweating like a fountain - sweating like a waterfall - sweating like a sieve - sweating like a sponge - sweating like a leaky faucet - sweating like a sauna - sweating like a steam room - sweating like a hot spring - sweating like a geyser - sweating like a rainstorm - sweating like a monsoon - sweating like a deluge - sweating like a flood - sweating like a river - sweating like a stream - sweating like a brook - sweating like a creek - sweating like a lake - sweating like an ocean - sweating like a sea - sweating like a pond - sweating like a puddle

Sweating, also known as perspiration, is the process of emitting moisture through the pores of the skin. It is primarily a means of thermoregulation and one of the ways the body maintains its internal temperature. When internal temperatures rise, the brain signals sweat glands to release moisture, which then evaporates from the skin surface, cooling the body down. Sweating can occur due to various reasons, including physical exertion, high temperatures, stress, or illness.

Category: Health Tags: Perspiration Moisture Heat

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