stand down Synonym

Synonyme stand down

de-escalation - withdrawal - retreat - cessation - disengagement - abatement - reduction - relaxation - suspension - halt - pause - truce - armistice - ceasefire - lull - break - respite - reprieve - intermission - interval - breather - let-up - standstill - moratorium - hiatus - discontinuation - termination - conclusion - end - finish - stop - stoppage - closure - winding down - phasing out - scaling back - backing off - stepping down - pulling back - drawing back - giving way - yielding - surrender - capitulation - submission, - acquiescence - concession

The term 'stand down' typically refers to the act of military personnel stepping back from a state of readiness or active duty. It involves disengaging from combat or any active mission and could be a temporary pause or a complete cessation of military activities. This action is often a response to the end of a conflict, a ceasefire agreement, or orders from higher command. By standing down, military units signal that they are no longer in a state of immediate combat readiness.

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