smartness Synonym

Synonyme smartness

intelligence - cleverness - brilliance - sharpness - acumen - astuteness - shrewdness - wit - sagacity - wisdom - insight - perceptiveness - discernment - ingenuity - resourcefulness - aptitude - brainpower - erudition - quick-wittedness - mental acuity - savvy - keenness - perspicacity - judiciousness - rationality - understanding - intellect - brightness - alertness - foresight - prudence - sagaciousness - perspicaciousness - sapience - nous - canniness - precocity - precociousness - quickness - sharp-wittedness - smarts - mental sharpness - mental agility - mental keenness - mental alertness - mental astuteness - mental shrewdness - mental brilliance - mental resourcefulness

Smartness refers to the quality of being intelligent, clever, or quick-witted. It encompasses the ability to think critically, solve problems efficiently, and navigate complex situations with ease. Smartness is often associated with a high degree of mental agility and the capacity to understand and apply knowledge effectively.

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