slowing down Synonym

Synonyme slowing down

deceleration - braking - reduction - retardation - easing - slackening - diminishing - abatement - moderation - curtailment - lessening - slackening-off - winding-down - tapering-off - subsiding - waning - weakening - stalling - pausing - halting - interruption - delay - postponement - deferral - suspension - lull - respite - hiatus - recess - break - intermission - interval - breather - standstill - stand-by - moratorium - freeze - stasis - stagnation - dormancy - quiescence - latency - inactivity - torpor - lethargy - sluggishness - languor - idleness - repose

Slowing down refers to the act of reducing speed or taking a more relaxed pace. This can relate to various contexts, such as traffic, work, lifestyle, or any situation where a decrease in speed or activity is necessary or beneficial. It is often associated with the need to reduce stress, improve focus, and ensure safety.

Category: Tempo Tags: Slowing Down Tempo

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