simplifies the duty at hand Synonym

Synonyme simplifies the duty at hand

streamlines the task - eases the job - facilitates the work - simplifies the task - makes the job easier - lightens the load - reduces the effort - makes the task simpler - alleviates the burden - expedites the process - smooths the operation - simplifies the process - makes the duty easier - reduces the complexity - makes the work straightforward - clarifies the task - makes the job more manageable - simplifies the workload - makes the task more efficient - reduces the workload - makes the duty simpler - simplifies the job - makes the task easier to handle - makes the work easier - simplifies the responsibility - makes the duty more straightforward - reduces the task complexity - makes the job less complicated - simplifies the assignment - makes the task less demanding - makes the work less challenging - simplifies the obligation - makes the duty less burdensome - reduces the job difficulty - makes the task more straightforward - simplifies the chore - makes the work less taxing - makes the duty less complex - reduces the task difficulty - makes the job more straightforward - simplifies the undertaking - makes the task less intricate - simplifies the mission - makes the work less arduous - simplifies the function - makes the duty less challenging - reduces the task burden - makes the job less demanding

Der Ausdruck 'simplifies the duty at hand' beschreibt den Prozess oder die Handlung, eine Aufgabe, die gerade ausgeführt wird, einfacher und leichter zu machen. Dies kann durch verschiedene Methoden geschehen, wie das Entfernen unnötiger Schritte, das Bereitstellen von Hilfsmitteln oder durch eine bessere Organisation der Arbeitsabläufe. Das Ziel ist es, die Aufgabe so effizient wie möglich zu gestalten, um Zeit und Mühe zu sparen.

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