sharpness Synonym

Synonyme sharpness

acuity - keenness - clarity - precision - crispness - distinctness - definition - focus - edge - intensity - exactness - fineness - clearness - vividness - lucidity - detail - resolution - accuracy - sharp edge - sharp point - incisiveness - alertness - perceptiveness - astuteness - shrewdness - acumen - brilliance - quickness - intelligence - wit - sagacity - discernment - insight - penetration - perspicacity - sharp-wittedness - mental acuity - sharp-mindedness - sharp intellect - sharp thinking - sharp perception - sharp observation - sharp judgment - sharp reasoning - sharp analysis - sharp critique - sharp comment - sharp remark - sharp reply - sharp retort

Sharpness refers to the quality or state of being sharp. In the context of image quality, sharpness refers to the clarity and fine detail of the image. Sharper images present fine details more clearly and enable viewers to see more crisp and distinct features. In other contexts, such as describing tools or objects, sharpness denotes the ability to cut or pierce efficiently, often associated with blades or other cutting instruments.

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