sedition Synonym

Synonyme sedition

insurrection - rebellion - revolt - uprising - mutiny - insurgence - subversion - treason - defiance - disobedience - resistance - insurgency - coup - revolution - anarchy - agitation - discontent - dissent - insubordination - provocation - riot - turmoil - unrest - upheaval - commotion - disturbance - disorder - lawlessness - tumult - turbulence - disruption - incitement - conspiracy - plot - intrigue - machination - sedition

Sedition refers to actions or speech that incite people to rebel against the authority of a state or government. It often involves activities that encourage resistance or insurrection against lawful authority, either through speech, publication, or organizing movements. Sedition is considered a serious offense as it threatens the stability and security of a nation. The penalties for sedition can be severe, including imprisonment or heavy fines, depending on the judicial system of the country.

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