scrutinizing the legitimacy of Synonym

Synonyme scrutinizing the legitimacy of

examining the validity of - assessing the authenticity of - evaluating the credibility of - investigating the genuineness of - inspecting the legitimacy of - analyzing the validity of - reviewing the authenticity of - checking the credibility of - verifying the genuineness of - probing the legitimacy of - studying the validity of - scrutinizing the authenticity of - appraising the credibility of - auditing the genuineness of - surveying the legitimacy of - testing the validity of - considering the authenticity of - questioning the credibility of - exploring the genuineness of - monitoring the legitimacy of - observing the validity of - researching the authenticity of - validating the credibility of - authenticating the genuineness of - confirming the legitimacy of - corroborating the validity of - substantiating the authenticity of - certifying the credibility of - ratifying the genuineness of - endorsing the legitimacy of - affirming the validity of - upholding the authenticity of - supporting the credibility of - justifying the genuineness of - defending the legitimacy of - backing the validity of - championing the authenticity of - advocating the credibility of - promoting the genuineness of - safeguarding the legitimacy of - protecting the validity of - ensuring the authenticity of - guaranteeing the credibility of - securing the genuineness of - maintaining the legitimacy of - preserving the validity of - defending the credibility of

Der Ausdruck 'scrutinizing the legitimacy of' beschreibt den Prozess der sorgfältigen und detaillierten Prüfung, ob etwas rechtmäßig und gültig ist. Dies kann in verschiedenen Kontexten erfolgen, wie z.B. bei rechtlichen Verfahren, wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten oder regulatorischen Überprüfungen. Ziel ist es, sicherzustellen, dass die untersuchte Sache alle relevanten Gesetze, Vorschriften und ethischen Standards erfüllt. Dieser Prozess kann Analysen, Überprüfungen und Bewertungen beinhalten, um jegliche Unstimmigkeiten oder Verstöße gegen etablierte Normen aufzudecken.

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