scolding Synonym

Synonyme scolding

reprimand - rebuke - admonishment - chastisement - reproach - upbraiding - berating - censure - castigation - dressing-down - tongue-lashing - telling-off - lecture - reproof - correction - lambasting - bawling-out - ticking-off - rap over the knuckles - talking-to - earful - blast - roasting - chewing out - wigging - carpeting - chiding - rating - raking over the coals - tearing into - laying into - giving a piece of one's mind - hauling over the coals - slating - slamming - hammering - grilling - flak - flaying - shellacking - shelling out - taking to task - calling down - calling on the carpet - giving a dressing down - giving a talking to - giving a tongue-lashing - giving a wigging - giving a roasting

Scolding refers to a verbal reprimand or rebuke, often delivered in a harsh or severe tone. It is commonly used to express disapproval or correction, particularly towards someone's actions or behaviors. Scolding can be used by parents, teachers, or authority figures to address misbehavior or mistakes.

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