ruling the roost Synonym

Synonyme ruling the roost

in charge - leading - dominating - controlling - commanding - overseeing - managing - directing - governing - supervising - presiding - heading - running - administering - orchestrating - regulating - steering - guiding - captaining - masterminding - dictating - bossing - superintending - chairing - helming - piloting - conducting - ruling - reigning - wielding power - holding sway - calling the shots - taking the lead - being in control - being the boss - being in command - being at the helm - being in the driver's seat - being in charge - being the leader - being the head - being the chief - being the authority - being the overseer - being the supervisor - being the manager - being the director - being the governor - being the ruler

Das englische Idiom 'ruling the roost' bedeutet, dass jemand die Kontrolle oder Herrschaft über eine Gruppe oder einen bestimmten Bereich hat. Es wird oft benutzt, um auszudrücken, dass jemand dominant oder an der Spitze einer Hierarchie steht. Der Ausdruck stammt ursprünglich aus der Hühnerhaltung, wo das Leittier, der Hahn, das Sagen über das Gehege (roost) hat.

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