reviewing the legitimacy of Synonym

Synonyme reviewing the legitimacy of

assessing the validity of - evaluating the authenticity of - examining the credibility of - scrutinizing the legitimacy of - verifying the genuineness of - checking the validity of - investigating the authenticity of - appraising the legitimacy of - analyzing the credibility of - inspecting the validity of - auditing the authenticity of - testing the legitimacy of - probing the credibility of - confirming the genuineness of - validating the authenticity of - authenticating the legitimacy of - judging the validity of - considering the credibility of - reviewing the authenticity of - determining the legitimacy of - measuring the validity of - gauging the credibility of - weighing the authenticity of - certifying the legitimacy of - corroborating the validity of - substantiating the authenticity of - affirming the credibility of - ratifying the legitimacy of - endorsing the validity of - upholding the authenticity of - legitimizing the credibility of - authenticating the validity of - verifying the legitimacy of - validating the credibility of - confirming the legitimacy of - certifying the authenticity of - substantiating the legitimacy of - corroborating the authenticity of - affirming the validity of - ratifying the authenticity of - endorsing the legitimacy of - upholding the validity of - legitimizing the authenticity of - authenticating the credibility of - verifying the credibility of - validating the legitimacy of - confirming the authenticity of - certifying the credibility of

Der Prozess der Überprüfung der Legitimität einer Sache beinhaltet die detaillierte Untersuchung und Analyse, um festzustellen, ob etwas rechtmäßig, gültig oder angemessen ist. Dies kann zum Beispiel in juristischen, finanziellen oder politischen Kontexten geschehen, um die Gültigkeit von Ansprüchen, Dokumenten, oder Handlungen zu bestätigen. Es handelt sich dabei um eine systematische Überprüfung und Bewertung der Gründe, Beweise und Umstände, die die Legitimität unterstützen oder in Frage stellen.

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