resembling Synonym

Synonyme resembling

similar - alike - akin - comparable - analogous - parallel - corresponding - matching - mirroring - imitative - reflective - echoing - homogenous - uniform - congruent - equivalent - kindred - related - twin - look-alike - copycat - facsimile - duplicate - indistinguishable - like - same - spitting image - carbon copy - doppelgänger - mirror image - replica - semblance - simulacrum - clone - counterpart - double - twinlike - homologous - isomorphic - mimetic - resemblant - semblable - similitudinous - undifferentiated - akin to - in the same vein - in the same manner - in the same way

The word 'resembling' refers to the act or state of being similar or alike in appearance or qualities to something or someone else. It is often used to describe instances where two or more things share a noticeable number of characteristics, which makes them seem related or comparable. This can apply to physical appearance, behaviors, styles, or other traits that create a sense of similarity or parallelism.

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