reprimands Synonym

Synonyme reprimands

rebukes - admonishments - scoldings - reproaches - criticisms - censures - chastisements - upbraidings - reproofs - castigations - beratings - lectures - corrections - condemnations - denunciations - objurgations - remonstrances - blame - disapprovals - reprovals - reprimandments - tongue-lashings - dressings-down - tellings-off - rebuffings - rebukings - chidings - lambastings - raps - slatings - stricture - vituperations - fault-findings - carps - censurings - chastenings - clouts - comeuppances - crackdowns - flak - floggings - hammerings - knocks - lashings - punishments - put-downs - rebuffments - remonstrations

Reprimands are formal expressions of disapproval or criticism directed at an individual or group, typically within a workplace or organizational context. They are intended to address behavior that is deemed unacceptable or in violation of specific rules, policies, or expectations. Reprimands can vary in severity and may be delivered verbally or in writing. The goal is to correct the behavior and prevent further infractions, while also reinforcing organizational standards and maintaining decorum.

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