reconciles Synonym

Synonyme reconciles

harmonizes - resolves - settles - unites - mediates - balances - aligns - integrates - rectifies - adjusts - accommodates - pacifies - appeases - mitigates - synchronizes - coordinates - blends - merges - fuses - amalgamates - synthesizes - unifies - consolidates - smooths over - patches up - brings together - makes peace - bridges - balances out - evens out - equalizes - levels - standardizes - normalizes - regularizes - moderates - tempers - softens - soothes - calms - placates - mollifies - reconciles differences - makes compatible - makes consistent - makes congruent - makes harmonious

The verb 'reconciles' means to restore friendly relations between previously conflicting parties or to make consistent or congruous. This can involve resolving differences or finding a means of bringing about harmonious coexistence. Reconciliation often entails negotiation and compromise, leading to an agreement or settlement that satisfies the involved parties.

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