reaching an agreement on a proposal Synonym

Synonyme reaching an agreement on a proposal

coming to a consensus - agreeing on a proposal - reaching a consensus - coming to an agreement - settling on a proposal - agreeing on terms - reaching an understanding - finding common ground - reaching a settlement - coming to terms - agreeing on a plan - reaching a compromise - settling an agreement - agreeing on a suggestion - reaching a mutual agreement - coming to a mutual understanding - agreeing on a course of action - reaching a joint decision - coming to a joint agreement - agreeing on a proposition - reaching a collective decision - coming to a collective agreement - agreeing on a recommendation - reaching a shared decision - coming to a shared agreement - agreeing on a motion - reaching a unified decision - coming to a unified agreement - agreeing on a resolution - reaching a mutual decision - coming to a mutual agreement - agreeing on a strategy - reaching a collaborative decision - coming to a collaborative agreement - reaching a cooperative decision - coming to a cooperative agreement - agreeing on an initiative - reaching a coordinated decision - coming to a coordinated agreement - agreeing on a plan of action - reaching a harmonized decision - coming to a harmonized agreement - agreeing on a course - reaching a synchronized decision - coming to a synchronized agreement - agreeing on a project - reaching a joint resolution

Das Erreichen einer Übereinkunft über einen Vorschlag bezieht sich auf den Prozess, bei dem zwei oder mehr Parteien nach Diskussionen und Verhandlungen zu einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme oder einem Konsens in Bezug auf einen bestimmten Vorschlag oder Plan kommen. Dieser Prozess kann in verschiedenen Kontexten stattfinden, darunter Geschäftstreffen, Vertragsverhandlungen, diplomatische Gespräche oder Teamentscheidungen. Das Ziel ist es, alle Beteiligten zufriedenzustellen und zu einer Vereinbarung zu gelangen, die für alle Seiten akzeptabel ist.

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