reach a cessation of hostilities Synonym

Synonyme reach a cessation of hostilities

end a conflict - cease fire - halt fighting - stop host - truce - armistice - peace agreement - cease hostilities - suspend - lay down arms - peace treaty - cessation of conflict - end of warfare - peace deal - stop combat - halt hostilities - ceasefire agreement - peace accord - end of fighting - cease combat - suspend hostilities - truce agreement - end of hostilities - peace settlement - halt conflict - stop warfare - cease conflict - peace negotiation - end war - suspend fighting - ceasefire - peace talks - halt war - stop conflict - cease warfare - peace process - end combat - suspend warfare - truce deal - peace resolution - ceasefire deal - halt combat operations - stop war - cease hostilities agreement - peace arrangement - end military action - suspend conflict - cease military action

To reach a cessation of hostilities means to come to an agreement where all involved parties decide to stop aggressive actions, fighting, or conflict. This process typically involves negotiations and the signing of agreements to ensure peace and halt any warfare or violence. It is a common practice in diplomatic relations to prevent further escalation and to work towards a more stable and peaceful resolution.

Category: Diplomacy Tags: Peace Truce Ceasefire

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