putting the finishing touches on a deal Synonym

Synonyme putting the finishing touches on a deal

finalizing - completing - concluding - wrapping up - sealing - closing - cementing - consummating - tying up - locking in - firming up - clinching - ironing out - off - perfecting nailing down - signing - putting the final touches on - putting the last touches on - putting the final details on - putting the last details on - putting the finishing details on - putting the final polish on - putting the last polish on - putting the final refinements on - putting the last refinements on - putting the final adjustments on - putting the last adjustments on - putting the final strokes on - putting the last strokes on - putting the final flourishes on - putting the last flourishes on - putting the final embellishments on - putting the last embellishments on - putting the final tweaks on - putting the last tweaks on - putting the final modifications on - putting the last modifications on - putting the final amendments on - putting the last amendments on - putting the final corrections on - putting the last corrections on - putting the final improvements on - putting the last improvements on - putting the final enhancements on - putting the last enhancements on - putting the final completions on - putting the last completions on

Das Setzen der letzten Feinheiten auf einen Deal bezieht sich auf die abschließenden Schritte und Details, die erforderlich sind, um eine Vereinbarung oder einen Vertrag zu finalisieren. Dies kann Verhandlungen, die Klärung von letzten Konditionen und die Sicherstellung der beidseitigen Zufriedenheit beinhalten. Es ist der letzte Schritt, bevor ein Deal final unterzeichnet und verbindlich wird.

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