pursues the tasks Synonym

Synonyme pursues the tasks

undertakes the tasks - carries out the tasks - performs the tasks - executes the tasks - handles the tasks - manages the tasks - tackles the tasks - addresses the tasks - deals with the tasks - completes the tasks - fulfills the tasks - accomplishes the tasks - attends to the tasks - works on the tasks - engages in the tasks - takes on the tasks - assumes the tasks - undertakes the duties - carries out the duties - performs the duties - executes the duties - handles the duties - manages the duties - tackles the duties - addresses the duties - deals with the duties - completes the duties - fulfills the duties - accomplishes the duties - attends to the duties - works on the duties - engages in the duties - takes on the duties - assumes the duties - undertakes the responsibilities - carries out the responsibilities - performs the responsibilities - executes the responsibilities - handles the responsibilities - manages the responsibilities - tackles the responsibilities - addresses the responsibilities - deals with the responsibilities - completes the responsibilities - fulfills the responsibilities - accomplishes the responsibilities - attends to the responsibilities - works on the responsibilities - engages in the responsibilities - takes on the responsibilities

Verfolgt die Aufgaben bedeutet, dass jemand bestimmte Aufgaben oder Tätigkeiten gezielt durchführt und vorantreibt. Es impliziert eine aktive Rolle bei der Bearbeitung und Vollendung von Aufgaben, oft im beruflichen oder organisatorischen Kontext. Dabei kann es sich um projektbasierte Aufgaben, tägliche Routinen oder spezielle Tätigkeiten handeln, die im Rahmen eines größeren Ziels oder Plans erledigt werden müssen.

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