publicizing the case Synonym

Synonyme publicizing the case

promoting the case - advertising the case - broadcasting the case - publicizing the matter - publicizing the issue - publicizing the situation - publicizing the event - publicizing the incident - publicizing the affair - publicizing the circumstance - publicizing the occurrence - publicizing the happening - publicizing the development - publicizing the story - publicizing the news - publicizing the report - publicizing the account - publicizing the narrative - publicizing the chronicle - publicizing the episode - publicizing the saga - publicizing the tale - publicizing the anecdote - publicizing the disclosure - publicizing the revelation - publicizing the announcement - publicizing the declaration - publicizing the proclamation - publicizing the statement - publicizing the communication - publicizing the message - publicizing the bulletin - publicizing the dispatch - publicizing the release - publicizing the briefing - publicizing the update - publicizing the notification - publicizing the alert - publicizing the advisory - publicizing the notice - publicizing the memo - publicizing the memorandum - publicizing the circular - publicizing the flyer - publicizing the leaflet - publicizing the pamphlet - publicizing the brochure - publicizing the handout - publicizing the publication - publicizing the print

Das öffentliche Bekanntmachen eines Rechtsfalls oder Verfahrens bezieht sich auf den Prozess, durch den Informationen über einen Fall in der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden. Dies kann durch Pressemitteilungen, Berichte in den Medien oder andere Kommunikationsmittel geschehen. Ziel ist es, Transparenz zu schaffen, das öffentliche Interesse zu wecken oder den Fall bekannter zu machen.

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