prudence Synonym

Synonyme prudence

caution - circumspection - discretion - foresight - judiciousness - wisdom - vigilance - wariness - sagacity - care - prudency - alertness - heedfulness - providence - thoughtfulness - sensibility - consideration - deliberation - discernment - good sense - practicality - reasonableness - shrewdness - sobriety - sound judgment - watchfulness - circumspectness - guardedness - mindfulness - premeditation - preparedness - sagaciousness - sanity - sense - soundness - advisability - canniness - chariness - common sense - forethought - gingerliness - heed - level-headedness - precaution

Prudence refers to the quality of being cautious and wise in practical affairs, ensuring that actions are taken with careful consideration and foresight. It involves the ability to judge situations properly to avoid unnecessary risks and make decisions that contribute to long-term benefits. Prudence is often regarded as a key aspect of wisdom and effective management, ensuring that both personal and professional choices are made responsibly and thoughtfully.

Category: Wisdom Tags: Caution Judgment Foresight

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