prophecies Synonym

Synonyme prophecies

predictions - forecasts - divinations - prognostications - auguries - foretellings - soothsaying - oracles - visions - revelations - premonitions - presages - omens - portents - vaticinations - foresights - forewarnings - harbingers - signs - indications - forebodings - anticipations - warnings - inklings - hunches - intuitions - insights - glimpses - augurs - foretokens - foreknowledge - foretelling - prognoses

Prophecies are statements that predict future events, often of a significant or divine nature. These predictions can be found in various religious texts and traditions, where prophets receive divine guidance or revelation to communicate these future events. Prophecies can cover a wide range of topics, from personal fortunes to global occurrences, and often serve as warnings, promises, or guidance for individuals or communities.

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