peasants Synonym

Synonyme peasants

serfs - farmers - laborers - countrymen - rustics - yokels - villeins - commoners - tillers - agricultural workers - field hands - plowmen - cottagers - homesteaders - husbandmen - peons - vassals - tenant farmers - crofters - smallholders - farmhands - agrarians - rural folk - bumpkins - hicks - provincials - clodhoppers - boors - churls - swains - yeomen - sodbusters - grangers - gleaners - hayseeds - dirt farmers - sharecroppers - landworkers - groundlings - earth tillers - farm laborers - soil tillers - backwoodsmen - hillbillies - rednecks - country bumpkins - rustic folk - pastoralists - agronomists

Peasants are members of the lower social classes who typically work in agriculture, often under feudal or traditional systems. They play a crucial role in society by producing food and maintaining the primary sector of the economy. Throughout history, peasants have been the backbone of many civilizations, providing the necessary labor force for farming and other manual work. Though often seen as having limited social mobility and resources, peasants have been integral to the sustenance and development of communities.

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