parry Synonym

Synonyme parry

deflect - block - fend off - ward off - counter - repel - avoid - dodge - evade - sidestep - circumvent - resist - intercept - rebuff - stave off - hold off - turn aside - brush off - duck - elude - shun - bypass - skirt - prevent - avert - forestall - preclude - deter - foil - thwart - outmaneuver - outwit - neutralize - nullify - counteract - withstand - oppose - confront - face - meet - challenge - contest - dispute - rebut - refute - repulse - check - stop - halt

To parry means to ward off or deflect an attack, especially with a countermove in fencing or combat. This action is typically used to prevent an opponent's strike from landing, and involves skillful anticipation and maneuvering. In a broader sense, parrying can refer to skillfully evading or avoiding any form of confrontation or challenge.

Category: Fighting Tags: Block Defense Counter

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