oversees the responsibilities Synonym

Synonyme oversees the responsibilities

supervises the duties - manages the tasks - oversees the obligations - monitors the responsibilities - directs the duties - controls the tasks - administers the responsibilities - governs the duties - regulates the tasks - oversees the functions - supervises the roles - manages the responsibilities - oversees the duties - directs the responsibilities - monitors the duties - controls the responsibilities - administers the duties - governs the responsibilities - regulates the duties - oversees the tasks - supervises the responsibilities - manages the duties - directs the tasks - monitors the tasks - controls the duties - administers the tasks - governs the tasks - regulates the responsibilities - oversees the roles - supervises the tasks - manages the roles - directs the roles - monitors the roles - controls the roles - administers the roles - governs the roles - regulates the roles - supervises the obligations - manages the obligations - directs the obligations - monitors the obligations - controls the obligations - administers the obligations - governs the obligations - regulates the obligations - supervises the functions - manages the functions

Das Wort 'oversees the responsibilities' bedeutet, die Verantwortung für bestimmte Aufgaben oder Tätigkeiten zu überwachen und sicherzustellen, dass diese korrekt und effizient durchgeführt werden. Es ist oft ein wichtiger Teil von Führungsrollen, bei denen die Beaufsichtigung von Teams oder Projekten notwendig ist, um sicherzustellen, dass Qualitätsstandards und Fristen eingehalten werden.

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