orchestrates the tasks Synonym

Synonyme orchestrates the tasks

coordinates the tasks - manages the tasks - organizes the tasks - arranges the tasks - directs the tasks - oversees the tasks - supervises the tasks - administers the tasks - handles the tasks - conducts the tasks - controls the tasks - regulates the tasks - governs the tasks - steers the tasks - guides the tasks - leads the tasks - plans the tasks - schedules the tasks - aligns the tasks - synchronizes the tasks - harmonizes the tasks - facilitates the tasks - executes the tasks - implements the tasks - operates the tasks - runs the tasks - orders the tasks - marshals the tasks - mobilizes the tasks - deploys the tasks - strategizes the tasks - choreographs the tasks - engineers the tasks - frames the tasks - designs the tasks - crafts the tasks - shapes the tasks - structures the tasks - formulates the tasks - composes the tasks - assembles the tasks - stages the tasks - prepares the tasks - sets up the tasks - enacts the tasks - institutes the tasks - establishes the tasks - initiates the tasks

Orchestrates the tasks bedeutet, dass jemand die Verantwortung übernimmt, verschiedene Aufgaben systematisch zu koordinieren und zu arrangieren. Dies umfasst die Priorisierung, Zuweisung und Überwachung der Aufgaben, um sicherzustellen, dass sie effizient und termingerecht abgeschlossen werden. Es geht darum, Ressourcen (z. B. Zeit, Personal) optimal zu nutzen und die verschiedenen Bestandteile eines Projekts oder einer Arbeitsgruppe harmonisch zusammenarbeiten zu lassen.

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