nerve Synonym

Synonyme nerve

nerve - courage - bravery - guts - boldness - audacity - daring - fortitude - mettle - pluck - valor - tenacity - spunk - grit - resolution - spirit - backbone - determination - fearlessness - intrepidity - gall - temerity - steadfastness - confidence - resolve - stoutness - hardihood - gameness - moxie - chutzpah - dauntlessness - heroism - prowess - stoutheartedness - lionheartedness - venturesomeness - adventurousness - doughtiness - gallantry - stout-heartedness - valiance - valour - bold-heartedness - stoutness of heart - stout spirit - stout courage - stout-hearted spirit - stout-hearted courage - stout-hearted valor

A nerve in the context of anatomy is a bundle of fibers that transmits electrical impulses throughout the body. These impulses are crucial for various bodily functions such as movement, sensation, and reflexes. Nerves are composed of long, slender projections of nerve cells called axons, which are often insulated by a myelin sheath. They form an essential part of the peripheral nervous system and are critical in communicating information between the brain, spinal cord, and the rest of the body.

Category: Anatomy Tags: Anatomy Impulse System

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