negotiating a truce Synonym

Synonyme negotiating a truce

mediating a ceasefire - brokering peace - arranging a ceasefire - facilitating a truce - negotiating peace - establishing a ceasefire - securing a truce - arranging peace - mediating peace - brokering a ceasefire - facilitating peace - securing peace - establishing peace - arranging a truce - brokering a truce - mediating a truce - negotiating a ceasefire - facilitating a ceasefire - securing a ceasefire - establishing a truce

Negotiating a truce involves two or more conflicting parties coming together to discuss terms and conditions to temporarily or permanently cease hostilities. This process typically requires careful communication, compromise, and often the involvement of mediators or third parties to help facilitate the agreement. Successful negotiations can lead to a period of peace and stability, providing the involved parties an opportunity to address underlying issues or disputes that led to the conflict.

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